Monday 7 July 2014

I Won't Last A Day Without...

There are certain things that I would I find terribly difficult to give up. Such as:

My Family

Okay, there are certain days when I do wish I could be all by myself. Except I'd be belting out Carpenters songs instead of Celine Dion. But in reality, I couldn't live without my family. They are my suit of armour against the World. Whenever I'm feeling awkward and alien like (which is often) I can remind myself that:

a) As Dr Phil says: You wouldn't worry about what others thought of you if you knew how seldom they did, and
b) I have Micky Blue eyes and my boys who love and accept me.

The Internet

Some days I am scrolling down my Facebook feed (or typing another pointless blog post- ahem) and wondering why I bother. Still, I can't seem to hit the deactivate button. It's a sickness really. Sigh.


I tried quit sugar last year. It was the longest five minutes of my life. BOOM TISH. Seriously though, I did only last about five minutes. More recently I started the Get Healthy Programme, except I seemed to think it was the Get Diabetes programme. I have ended up delaying this for a while and am starting again soon. Hopefully I'll last for at least ten minutes this time. Shut up.

Karen Carpenter/Carpenters addiction/obsession

This fascination, which began at the tender age of 11, has only intensified with the arrival of the internet, making it even more impossible to hit that Facebook Deactivate Button, thereby quitting all of the fan groups and pages I belong to. Don't ask. I've lost count. But at least the fact that there are so many groups proves that I'm not alone in my weirdness.

Quiet Time

As much as I love my family, I do need time alone as well.  This is particularly precious due to it's rarity. I have been forced to give this up to a degree. But I'll still grab the smallest opportunity whenever I can. In fact, on our current holiday, when faced with the choice of joining my family for a stroll on the beach or staying in the apartment alone with the lap-top, I chose the latter. I justified this by reasoning that I spent plenty of time doing stuff with them every other day. And the sand. All that sand, everywhere, six months later. *Shudders*.

Cups Of Tea

I only drink one coffee a day. And about a billion or so cups of tea. I think I was weaned with a tea bag. Okay, not quite, but I did start drinking it at a young age and am absolutely addicted. The tea bag must be left in, thank you very much. I know, it's disgusting. Especially since tea bags were EVIL when I was growing up. We always had proper leaf tea in a pot. But I'm lazy, so tea bags it is now.


 For me, the highlight of our family road trips involves stopping off at any available Op Shops and loading up on bargain books. This is approached with the same fervency and desperation that a heroin addict would reserve for getting their next fix. I. MUST. HAVE. BOOKS. I probably should purchase a Kindle at some point and bring myself into the 21st Century, however I’m sure I still wouldn’t be able to resist those road trip Op Shop crawls. They're much better than Pub crawls in my opinion.


This is one I struggle with. I can easily be lazy and give it up, but my physical and mental health suffers if I let it slide. So I force myself to do sweaty aerobics on most days. I do this for the endorphins, not to become svelte and super fit with a rippling six-pack and buns of steel. I prefer buns with cream, actually. Ahem. Which is why I'll never have the former.


I've only recently come to the conclusion that writing is kind of similar to exercise for me.  I may not be the best, most eloquent writer, just as I am not the most agile, fit athlete, but I usually feel better when I do it. Even if it's just scribbling nonsense purely for my own amusement or boring you all with this blog, I need to do it. As I've mentioned I can be lazy, so sometimes I have to force myself, just like the exercise. When I do, I feel better. The end. So, I guess you're all stuck with me. You're welcome.

And there you have it. The stuff I would find hard to give up. Now I'm off to read books and drink tea.  Oh alright, I'll exercise instead. Hmph.

Linking up (late, as usual)  for Laugh Link and also for I Must Confess.

What would you find hard to give up?


  1. I don't know where I'd be if I didn't write!

    1. It's much cheaper than therapy, as they say. Whoever 'they' are... Thanks for reading. xo

  2. I'm with you with the whole internet thing. I'm having far too many moments lately with social media especially FB where I think why do I bother. I had the weekend completely internet free and while it's taken me a few weekends attempting this not to feel so detached and cheat. This weekend it just worked and I hardly wanted to come back. I think I just need to set some boundaries and stick to them and get back to basic blogging and not worrying about ticking all the boxes on all social media platforms.

    1. Yeah, I'm not even sure why I bother having a Twitter account or FB page anymore. I never engage with them. Oh well, the most important thing is to keep writing methinks. Hope you get 'back to basics' and enjoying blogging again. xo

  3. A fab list and I'm proud of you for not wanting to give up exercise! But what rings true with me is the family thing, when I'm sad, hurt or whatever from all those wankers in the world, I just have to ask one of my kids for a cuddle and it makes me feel better and more centred (can you tell I had a shitty confrontation over the weekend, hence my tardiness on the blog) Have a few week and NEVER stop writing, I love how your dry wit and sarcasm just drips through my monitor! MWAH! x Thanks for linking xx

    1. Sorry to hear about that shitty confrontation. Hoping it's all blown over now and cuddles with your kids helped. Thanks so much for the encouragement and kind words. xoxo

  4. Love your list! i struggle to give up my spot on the couch! It has the chase part and I love being able to recline all snuggled in blankets.

    1. It sounds wonderful, I don't blame you. Thanks for reading. xo

  5. I would struggle to give up wifi and wine. Lucky I have some of both right now!

  6. Change tea for coffee and I'm so with you! I take our machine everywhere!!

    1. Now that IS serious dedication to caffiene! xo

  7. Great list! I would struggle to give up my TV remote, wine and my iTunes playlists. And writing, writing is really what keeps me alive, I don't really see it as an optional extra. Kx

    1. I never get the remote here - I'm surrounded by males! xo

  8. I agree on pretty much all of that Ness!!! I LOVE tea as well, it took a while to develop that love but now it's all I drink, and more often than not it's some sort of herbal tea over a black tea! And I also think that books are better..I have an iPad and download books onto it but I do most of my reading in bed and it's just a little hard to curl up with an iPad so I choose real books every time!

    1. Books are better. When using a device it would be too easy to be distracted by the internet. The internet is great, but sometimes you need a break. Thanks for reading. xo

  9. Hi Ness, I agree with all of it. I am dying to quit FB but can't pull the pin because I am addicted!! I struggle with exercise, I find it boring- I have got by on genetics for far too long. xx

    1. It's just so addictive. I'm trying to make exercise addictive but it's not as easy! xo
