Monday 30 June 2014

Seven Signs That You Seriously Suck At Packing

I'm in the middle of packing for our trip to Port Macquarie. I'm not very good at it. There are certain things that would confirm this.  Here they are, the seven signs that you suck at packing:

  1. You leave it until the very last minute, taking the term 'flying by the seat of your pants' to a whole new level.  You may try to rationalise this by reasoning that you work you better under pressure and just ignore the constant twitching of your eye and rising panic.
  2. A situation may* have happened on a long ago vacation, where your partner nearly suffered a coronary trying to haul an over-stuffed heavy suitcase through the airport. He eye-balled you intensely and bellowed: "Don't ever pack a bag like this AGAIN!! EVER!!" Bemused passers by may have witnessed this interlude as you longed for the floor to open and swallow you.
  3. In spite of the above lead-like suitcase, you've forgotten essential items, yet packed non-essential items.
  4. Your definition of essential items varies wildly from your partners. After all, you couldn't exist without your dozen or so meticulously co-ordinated outfits, so necessary for what you'll be doing - schlepping to theme parks or local attractions with kids. The rest of the time will be spent doing as little as possible in an attempt to recover from the former horror.
  5. You pack approximately 17 books for a 7 day getaway. You're either weirdly convinced that this is the week that you are somehow going to miraculously become a speed reader or just deluded. If you have 3 kids in tow, as I do, the deluded thing is the more likely option. Either option is delusional, really.
  6. You pack joggers and active wear. Naturally, a holiday is the perfect time to take up jogging. You conveniently ignore the fact that the only exercise you participated in on past holidays involved walking to the cake shop then lifting the purchased cakies into your gob. Ditto walking  to the booze shop and lifting booze to your gob. If you have 3 kids in tow, the booze is a likely option.
  7. You glance around at your accommodation on day 2 or 3 of your stay and are appalled to discover that the glistening, pristine conditions you sighed over when you arrived now resemble a war zone. You appear to have transported the entire contents of your home there, including the 3 kids and all their accompanying paraphernalia. This now necessitates a hurried clean before the actual cleaners arrive; you wouldn't want them to think you live like this. You now may as well be at home.

*Definitely happened. Excruciating.

                                 What other signs are there that you suck at packing?
                                    Are you going away these holidays?


  1. No going away for us these holidays sadly, but I can concur that I too suck at packing. I so overstuffed my backpack while travelling 'lightly' through Africa that it burst the zip in transit & I had to watch as my dirty undies made their way around the luggage collection carousel right next to my bag. You know how people are generally in a rush to grab their bags & get the hell out of the airport - yeah, well, no, not on this day - it was like everyone needed to know just who had to busted bag & the dirty jocks on display! Funny now, so not then!! Enjoy the holidays Ness! :)

    1. PMSL - that IS funny! Sorry! Rahahaha!! Thanks Jodie xo

  2. Ness, I'm a last-minute packer - which I think is okay (though I do sometimes prepare a list beforehand) but I HATE unpacking. Indeed, although I'm pretty tidy I tend to leave bags until I've actually had to unpack them to get stuff out to use once home. I'm the same with other stuff - unpacking the dishwasher, clothes dryer and stuff. If I wait long enough I need to use things so get them out anyway!

    1. I prepare lists too, but I still get confused. Oh well, it's all worth it when you get there! Thanks for reading. xo

  3. Ness! Buy a Kindle immediately! I pack for myself only these days. I deliberately don't pack enough clothes so I have an excuse to buy more :) Great laugh.

    1. Oh I would love to only pack for myself! And I do need to get myself a kindle and get into the 21st Century. Thanks Pinky xo

  4. I try to be good at packing light, but I always over pack clothes. I have an irrational fear of clothes ripping & being left with nothing to wear.

  5. We had a giant pram for a while there and I was pretty much on a 1 bag restriction, hubbys you need to pack lighter tune soon changed when I forgot his toothbrush and socks!

    1. Lol- I always forget something, despite making lists!

  6. Um what you said!! I always pack too much stuff and yes stash my joggers but NEVER use them! Have a fab break away and hook into that wine and don't worry about being hungover for the school drop off #boozehag. Thanks for linking funny lady x

    1. Thanks Em! I am enjoying the break -and the wine! xo

  7. My father once asked me, in his broad Glaswegian accent, as he attempted to manoeuvre my massive, over stuffed suitcase into the boot of a waiting car "Whit have ye got in this? A feckin deid body?!" I refuse to be good at packing. It's a crap job and I have enough of them already :)

    1. I'm not sure why I missed your comment Ace and I've been a slack arsed bitch and haven't fixed that subscription thingo. Oops.

      You're right about packing, though. It's crap - especially when you have to do it for the whole family! Hope you're well. xo

  8. I always leave packing till the last minute as our two (spoilt) dogs see the bags and sink into deep depression because they know they're not it's always rushed and I always forget something important.

    I usually take fitness gear but invariably don't use it as I'm too relaxed and in holiday mode.

    Have a great holiday! :)

    1. Poor doggies! Thanks Lee-Anne, I did have a good time and even exercised! xo
