Good morning, all you groovy people! It's Monday, which means it's time to confess something. This week the wonderful Kirsty is asking the question: What does your family think of your blog?
They think it's awesome, of course! After all, everyone's entitled to my opinion! Okay, I made that up....
Hmmmm, Let me think about this.
They never really say much about it so I haven't got much to go on. The 12 year old has mentioned perhaps once that he thinks it's "Sort of cool." My nine year old doesn't mention it at all. However, if I ever post anything on Facebook about him, regardless if it's something positive, he doesn't like it whatsoever, so I'd presume he's less enthusiastic. Mr 5 doesn't know what a blog is and that I have one so he has no opinion.
Meanwhile, Micky Blue Eyes has complimented me on my writing ability, declaring me 'witty'. Despite this, he apparently has some objections to being portrayed as a bogan (can't imagine why) and thinks I should be 'more positive' suggesting I change the blog title. Since I'm lazy and quite unimaginative when it comes to thinking of titles, I just decided to completely ignore him.
Besides, I conducted a comprehensive survey (posting a question on Facebook counts as a survey, right?) asking if I should change it and the results were unanimous. The whole two people out of my 150 plus Facebook 'friends' who politely pretend to read my blog said I should keep the title because I'm totally famous on the Internet and a Professional Bogan of Kath n' Kim proportions. Or something.
My only concern about it - the blog in general and the title- is if it ever impacts negatively on my boys. I wouldn't want them to ever be picked on or bullied and called a 'bogan' as an insult because of my blog. I don't worry about it too much because hardly anyone reads this space except a handful of people who already know us. I'm assuming they wouldn't wish to associate with us whatsoever if they really thought we were horrifically embarrassing bogans. They get that the bogan theme is intended to be somewhat tongue in cheek. Anyway, I'm prepared to either ditch the blog altogether or change it if ever did become a problem for my boys.
This is not very likely as the number one fan of this blog is my Mum who has always believed that I'm some sort of writerly genius just waiting to happen ever since some of my primary school teachers told her this was a possibility. More than 30 years ago. Still hasn't happened. Oops. But it's nice that my Mum never gives up on me and thinks this blog is work of blinding brilliance. Thanks Mum. I don't think my Dad ever reads it. Not because he doesn't care but because when he's online all he ever thinks about is Manchester United with the same kind of intensity and passion I reserve for my Karen Carpenter fascination. My brother, who inherited all the artistic talent, happily designed the banner/header thing for me so I assume he somewhat approves.
In the end it doesn't really matter what anyone thinks, anyway. It's like Dr Phil says (you have to love Dr Phil's sayings) : You wouldn't worry about what other people thought of you if you knew how seldom they did.
Similarly, I wouldn't worry about what others thought of my blog if I knew how seldom they did. I mean, I'm not exactly trying to change the World here or writing anything profound. I'm just having a bit of fun for the heck of it. So I'm not concerned about who does or doesn't like or read it. I'll just continue banging on to myself here for as long as it makes me happy. So ner!
Linking up with Kirsty from My Home Truths for I Must Confess.
Enough about me and my blog….
What do YOU think of me and my blog?
Love this post! I have my daughter (Miss 12) guest blogging for me today. She almost didn't want to go off to school, so she could stay home and hit the refresh button looking for comments. lol I may live to regret letting her guest blog.
ReplyDeleteShe did such a great job, looks like you have competition now! Thanks, Rachael. xo
DeleteAs always, you provide me with something to make me smile. I would definitely miss you if you weren't blogging about Boganville !!!!
ReplyDeleteHave the best day !
Thanks so much, your comments certainly make me smile too. :) xo
DeleteI love your attitude to your blog Ness. I agree with Mickey Blue Eyes and your mum that you are a very witty writer - I always come away with a smile on my face when I read your posts!
ReplyDeleteMy attitude is a little slack but it does fit with the whole lazy bogan theme. Ahem. Thanks for the kind words. xo
DeleteI love your blog and I love the way your write. I always have a giggle to myself when I'm reading it. With you, not at you which is the good one ;)
ReplyDeleteI'm glad I can make you giggle. Giggles are always good. Thanks, love. xo
ReplyDeleteYour blog always makes me laugh out loud!! My hubby thinks it is great I have my blog, my kids called it "Mum's Website" hehe. Keep up with the giggle's Ness, I actually wish you would blog more often and No don't change your name-you are famous in the blogging world xx
ReplyDeleteI always feel brighter when I see your notification pop up in my email. Call yourself any damn thing you like, I will keep reading, regardless :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Ace. Your comments brighten my day too. :)
DeleteI love your blog name! My hubster gets the email updates when I've posted, but is so busy at work (where he gets the notifications) he said he doesn't often read them. Still, it keeps me honest (& reminds me not to share all our dirty laundry) knowing that he COULD be reading! Miss 17 says she stalks my blog about once a week to catch up on what she's missed. Mr 19 has visited and commented once :-)
ReplyDeleteThanks Janet. At least I know there are no other blogs with similar names, that's for sure! Mick is the same really - he only reads this space off and on.
DeleteLOL, and your fans will continue to read you "bangings on" for as long as you continue to grace us with your words!
ReplyDeleteYes, my Mum certainly will, anyway. Thanks.
DeleteI really like your blog Ness. You have the writer's gift. I like the name of your blog too; it definitely conveys your light hearted, humorous theme.
ReplyDeleteReading your blog has helped me learn about what it means to be a woman, a mom, and a person who reflects on the challenges in her life. You've also helped me understand my wife better (very important). I've even learned that I like Australians.
I truly enjoy your thoughts about the Carpenters. After all, this is how I discovered your blog when I read your writings about Karen.
There's no need to change anything Ness. I'm certain that you will continue to enlighten us and keep us smiling througout 2014.
Ben - as usual you are so kind with your comments. Thanks for reading and taking time to comment every time. I really appreciate it. I'm not sure I represent the whole diversity of what Australians are like. We're not all bogans. Some of us are quite civilized and cultured. But if you wanted that you could go to a different blog, right? I do want to keep it light hearted. There is enough serious shit and sadness in the World and I just want to poke my tongue at it like KC did in that cute photo. :)