Sunday 30 June 2013

Bloggy Break

This is just a quick post to let all of my adoring fans (there must be at least two of you) that I'm taking a bloggy break due to a combination of school holidays, lack of a computer and feeling blah and uninspired. Not that  any of this bogan bullshit was particularly inspired in the first place, anyway. Ahem. But I still like to bore you with it, regardless. You're welcome.

So, I guess you'll just have to find a cure for insomnia elsewhere for the time being. Hopefully, I'll be back soon. I think. Maybe. Probably. Most likely.

You can't get rid me of me that easily. How VERY DARE YOU. So ner.


  1. Bugger Ness.... I shall miss your boganny posts... I must be at least 1 of your fans.... Have a good break and regenerise yourself... x x

    1. Thanks Lynne, I'll be back to my bogan antics as soon as I can! xo

  2. Hey Ness I hear ya on this one as I am considering doing the same myself for a couple of weeks. Sometimes it seems like everyone wants a piece of you and there just isn't anything left for blogging. Have a nice rest (ha ha yeah right like you'll get a rest in the school holidays!) and don't stay away too long x

    1. Yeah, rest, what is that? Thank, Rach. xo

  3. Oi! I just got here. *miffed*

  4. I shall miss you. Enjoy your wee break. Come back with more tales from the dark side soon :)

  5. Enjoy your break Ness, although every time I say that I'm taking a break I get an urge to uncontrollably blog ;-) I'll still be here when you get back.

    1. So far I've resisted that urge..

      Thanks, Sarah. xo

  6. Ness, I like your unique wit and hearing your thoughts on things. They help me understand that there are other women out there that have challenges in their lives very similar to those my wife has. Hope you saw my last two posts below. Have a good break and whatever you do, listen to lots of delightful Carpenters tunes! I'll see you when you make it back here.


    1. Thankyou so much, Ben, I appreciate you reading and taking time to comment. Yes, your wife is certainly not alone.

      I'm putting on those Carpenters tunes right now. xo

  7. I'll definitely miss your wit and humour but totally understand taking a break - have a good one and don't forget to come back to us !!!! We'll be here waiting for you.
    Have the BEST break ever !

    1. Thanks, lovely! I'll be back in bogan form very soon, I'm sure. xo

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