Monday 24 October 2016

Two Months Until Christmas

Hello there gorgeous blog reader! I am delighted that you are back here again. 

It's Monday, which always comes after Sunday and before Tuesday. I figured I may as well take my Captain Obvious to the next level. Why not? Rhetorical question...

So anyway, here I am. Back to entertain to you in my typical fashion! Which means that I have absolutely NOTHING to tell you. Not a thing. But that won't stop me! I will proceed to babble on about bugger all for several paragraphs. Right. On with it.

So where were we? 

Oh yes, not only is it Monday, it's also October 24th! And you know what that means, don't you? It's just two months until Christmas! 

This time last year I was walking around oblivious to the fact that I had cancer. Yikes. Thinking about this macabre fact reminds me of seeing Lawrence Mooney doing stand up on the telly.

He did a spot of black comedy about cancer. The observation went something like this: that you can stub your toe and be doubled over in agony. Meanwhile when you have cancer growing in your body - NOTHING. Not a twinge. Scary, scary shit. And so true, in my experience. 

I'm not sure what it is about this time of year, but we seem to like being all dramatic, getting cancer and stuff, conveniently right before Christmas. Aren't we show offs?

Yes, apparently Mickey Blue Eyes got his diagnonsense in October of 2004. So it's always been such a jolly old merry time for us. Yeah, NOT. Which brings me to what I want for Christmas: NOTHING. Meaning, I want this period of time to be extremely boring and uneventful. 

Anyway, I expect I should probably start shopping. Every single year I say I am going to be organised and every single year it sneaks up on me. Needless to say, I am not organised AT ALL. Which is slightly embarrassing, after boasting in this post about being organised. Awkward. 

Look, I have my own version of being organised. I have such a boring life that it spices things up to live dangerously and leave Christmas shopping until the last minute! It's all part of a plan. A not very well thought through plan, but a plan nonetheless. 

For example, last year I was a Christmas shopping NINJA. When I got my diagnonsense on December 4th, I hadn't done any Christmas shopping. So I went out the following Monday the 7th and did all my shopping in one day. Then I had surgery on Thursday December 10th. Winning! 

My GP was quite impressed. That I got on with it and did what I had to do. Looking back, I am too.

This may come as a shock, but I'm not exactly the jolliest person at the best of times. So yeah, 2015 wasn't a brilliant Christmas for me. Typically, at this time of year I would be all cynical and bah humbug. But not this year. I don't have to have surgery before Christmas, and chemo in the new year! YAY! 

The most exciting thing I want to happen during this period is listening to Carpenters Christmas music. You know, just for something COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. 

Yep, we're so organised around here. We currently have no idea what we're doing for Christmas. Usually we have Christmas lunch at my brother and sister-in-law's place. Where ever I am, I will proceed to eat myself into a diabetic coma. SUCH FUN! 

As a matter of fact, it suddenly occurs to me that I have started shopping. I have ordered one thing online. See? I told you I was organised! The current status in our family is this: only one boy(Mr almost 8), sorta kinda believes in Santa. He's not totally convinced, but he's clinging to it. Just in case. 

Last year I didn't send any Christmas cards, for obvious reasons. Does anyone actually do that anymore? Nope, methinks. Instead they start boring as batshit blogs. Related: this space began because of the silly old Christmas letters I used to send. It's my gift to the world! No, there aren't any refunds or exchanges! RUDE. 

Meanwhile, I am seriously considering putting up the Christmas tree early, though, just to get into the spirit.  Shit, I really must be ill. This is more serious than cancer, people. I've become one of those people on the left...

Save me! 

Linking up for Life This Week.

Also linking up for Open Slather and Mummy Mondays.

Which one are you? Jolly or bah humbug? 

Are you ready for Christmas? 


  1. yay for a surgery free Christmas this year. That has to make it the best ever Christmas.

  2. I love Christmas and will probably eat myself into a coma, too. That's the best part! lol #OpenSlather

  3. Huzzah for no surgery or chemo!! That's awesome!

  4. I love Christmas, and yes, I still send out Christmas cards, although I have cut back to a select few. It's such a chaotic time of year and I am not organised this year at all!

    1. It does seem to come around quicker each year!

  5. Such an improvement on last October for you!! I used to do the Christmas letter - photos and all along with cards - and then I got sick of myself too and stopped. We used to get one back. ONE! After all that effort. Congrats on being organised with one present already. Go, you!! Thanks for linking up for Life This Week....get ready for next week.."they're racing" is all I will say.

    1. Yeah nobody writes letters anymore! I think I already have a post for next week. Thanks Denyse x

  6. I'm pretty much the same as you Ness. Caught between wanting to enjoy and partake in Christmas joy and my tendency to be lazy and last minute. Cancer sucked the fun out of Christmas for us the year before last as Dad was operated on the week before and was in hospital until the end of January. Even though we didn't have him with us last year for Christmas, it was just relief to be home and not have to run between cities and worry about treatments. I wish you a very healthy, boring and low key festive season!!!!!

  7. I hope the lead up to Christmas is boring and stress-free this year with no surprises.

    I'm not a huge Christmas fan but don't have kids or little ones around, so .....

    1. Thanks Deb. Yeah it's all about the kids. Why doesn't Santa come for US?! HMPH

  8. Freaking cancers huh? Here's hoping for a nice, quiet, worry-free Christmas for your family.

  9. Oh god the chrsitmas tree, I have just realised it's less than a month and our tree will be up! That brings up some christmas anxiety right there. I hope you have an extremely boring christmas, I mean that in the nicest way xx

    1. Thanks Alicia. A boring Christmas FTW!

    2. Thanks Alicia. A boring Christmas FTW!
