Monday 31 August 2015

Seven Signs Spring Has Sprung

It's that glorious time of year yet again. Spring is finally here! Well, it's here officially tomorrow, but details! Don't you just feel like singing? 

I always look forward to it because now I can finally get all my spring cleaning done. Snorts. Meanwhile, Christmas is only around the corner! BRING. IT. ON! 

Actually, all sarcasm aside, I do love spring.  During these particular holidays we are going away to Wagga Wagga to visit relatives, so I'm looking forward to it. 

Plus, in November Mr 6 will become Mr 7 and Mickey Blue Eyes and I will celebrate 20 years of wedded stress. Oops, I mean bliss. 

I always know when spring is just around the corner. There are several giveaway signs.

Here are the seven signs that spring has sprung:

1. I need to shave my pits and legs. This requires an industrial strength lawn mower. At which point, I realise that it probably wasn't a great idea to allow them to grow long enough to plait. Is that just me? Okay, no need to answer...

2. I start sneezing. A lot. ACHOO!

3. All the inevitable posts reminding me that Santa arrives in only X amount of days/weeks suddenly start flooding my social media feeds. I resolve that this is finally the year that I'll be organised and get all my Christmas shopping sorted before the end of September. Then I promptly do nothing until the end of November or beginning of December. Apparently I like living on the edge. 

4. I gradually begin to thaw out a little each day. Then I finally emerge blinking into the sunlight. During the winter months I decided to divide my time between bed and the shower. Those are the only places I can warm up despite everyone insisting that it's 'easy' to warm up during winter. 

5. I begin to dread summer and the scorching, searing heat that comes with it. As much as I dislike winter, I also have an aversion to summer. So at least I consistently whinge about the weather all year round. Gotta be consistent people. 

6. I frantically start doing 700 crunches a day to get myself bikini ready for summer. Just kidding! I never do that. I realise that I've actually forgotten to buy a bikini for the 44th year in a row. Oops. I figure it probably wouldn't be a good look for me. (See point number 1). Instead, I stock up on industrial strength 50 plus sunscreen. I'm a ranga. I need to drown myself in that shit. 

7. I sneeze. A lot. Yeah, I know I've already mentioned that, but seriously, it's all the freaking time! ACHOO! ACHOO! ACHOO! 

I certainly do love spring but it doesn't love me. Hello season of sinus headaches. Sigh. I guess I'll be stocking up on Zyrtecs as well as sunscreen. 

Despite all this, I'm glad that spring has finally sprung. I'm feeling so optimistic that I may even decide to do that spring cleaning after all! Shut up. You never know. 

Linking up with Kirsty, Alicia and Eva

What does spring mean to you? 


  1. I've been doing sit ups - not for a bikini, but because if I get any floppier I won't be about to stand vertically....

  2. I love Spring but the hay fever is already driving me nuts! Damn you nature!!

    1. Exactly! Why must nature work against us? Grrrrr...

  3. I'm with you on 1, 3 and 4. Although I've had to regularly shave my legs through winter for physio - there's no way I'm exposing a hairy leg for massage/treatment, thank you very much!!!!

    1. I had a pedicure once, not realising they would not only moisterise my feet but my (very hairy) legs too. Classy.

  4. Spring cleaning? What is this thing you speak of? I hate cleaning at the best of times, but add in the whole 'spring' dimension and I'm running to hide in bed! I hear ya on the shaving, I don't even want to think about how many razors I'm going to need just to sort out one pit!

  5. Ah yes, you're list looks quite similar to mine although I must admit, I'm lucky not to succumb to the hayfever...although my poor hubby does. It's not Spring today yet I just had to get out walking this morning, amazing! The other reason I love Spring this year is because it means I go on my USA holiday to see my family. Spring Cleaning? cleaning happening here!

    1. I forgot to mention, yes to the shaving! It was getting ugly.

    2. USA holiday sounds awesome! Enjoy. xo

  6. Haha! I love this. Gold. Yep my doing 700 crunches and shaving my legs has just commenced this week!

  7. Hilarious. My hair removal is a lot like painting the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Once you've made it to the end, it's time to start over again.

  8. Hay fever is such a bummer. I had a year of weekly allergy injections, followed by a year of fortnightly winding down to monthly ones - two years all up. Thankfully now it is a LOT better though I still find I get it if I don't keep taking my Nasonex.

    1. I had never thought of having allergy injections- might consider it if it gets unbearable. Thanks!

  9. This reminds me I really need to stock up on zyrtec too or I'll be screwed. I've been thinking its about time I should lose the rest of my baby weight and get ready for summer too {but considering it hasn't happened in the last 2yrs I have more chance of getting pregnant again than losing the weight}. I did actually look at my bikinis the other day and consider donating them to lifeline because I'll probably never wear them again, but then the optimist in me left them where they were. I have no idea why.

    1. Yeah I've been using the baby weight excuse but my youngest 'baby' is turning 7 in two months. Oops. You look great anyway. Wear your bikinis with pride my dear.

  10. I've already started sneezing ... But I admit I love summer ( oh and spring)..!finally the days are longer... Warmer... Makes me happier

    1. Yes it really does improve the mood. Happy days. xo

  11. I did a pre shave of the legs a few days ago. It when you clog the shaver and just do a bit of a back burn, because next time will be sweet. I am happy it's September (details) because it's me birfday month! woo hoo.

  12. Yay for birthdays! They mean CAKE!

  13. I love spring but I'm with you on the already started for me today. And it's still pretty cold and not really spring-like weather just yet. I foresee a long three months sneezing! And counting down the days to summer {because yes, I do love summer and the beach...}
