Monday 7 January 2019

Hello Again

Hello again good people. It is I, the illustrious Ness of Nessville. Who else? It's good to pop in here now and again.

And may I say a very happy new year to you. Look, I know that's a big ask (side note: ASK not ASS). We can't be happy 24/7 for 365 days. However, I do hope that happiness and contentment outweighs all the other stuff this year.

On that note, can you BELIEVE it's 2019? You can? It comes after 2018, that's the way it works, you say. Well yes, I get that. But didn't it come around rather FAST? So fast, I have whiplash. Ouch. I'm sitting here dazed, confused and wondering what happened. So pretty much the same as usual.

Consequently this seems reasonable methinks:

To be perfectly honest, I really have nothing of note to report. I just miss rambling away here. So ramble I will. You're welcome.

Let's begin with a bit of a summary of what's been happening in my world. Always exciting, so strap yourselves in. Or something...

We enjoyed a quiet and relaxing Christmas with family, complete with the obligatory Aussie feast of prawns, ham and pav. Yum.

NYE was spent on the couch with my dog and I regret nothing. NOTHING, I tell you! Mr 14 also opted to stay in while the rest of the brood made a last minute decision to head out to Parramatta Park for the 9pm fireworks. Reportedly they were most excellent.

The neighbours were setting of fireworks here anyway, so I still got a show without leaving my living room. Much to Cookie dog's dismay. She's terrified of fireworks.

Prior to all the end of year festivities I finished a trifling little TAFE course. I am now the proud owner of a piece of paper for IWORK Course in Community
Vocational Engagement and Statement In Vocational Support & Pathways. Whatever that means.

Although the course was very basic, it was a good bunch of people with excellent teacher. Surprisingly, I enjoyed getting out and mixing a bit in small doses. GASP. Who knew?!

According to my former teacher I am an outstanding student and good mentor. I didn't know that either.

This has piqued my interest in further study.  Most likely in the form of a Certificate III in Library & Information Services or Business Administration, pending attendance to one more information session.

Fortunately, I will be able to have support and modifications due to being on the autistic spectrum. Therefore it may take me longer to get there, but get there I will. Wish me luck!

Meanwhile, I've applied for a gazillion jobs, receiving a gazillion politely worded rejection emails in response. They're funny old things, aren't they? "We wish you every success..." Um. Apparently not.

I did have one interview. My first one in YEARS. Even though I wasn't successful, it was an important hurdle for me. Interviews and talking in general are kind of like my kryptonite. So at least I faced my kryptonite and the world didn't end. I'll call that a win anyway.

I put job applications on pause over the the Christmas period but will get back into it presently. And since no one wants to employ me and actually pay me money (yet), I have procured a volunteer role as Administration Support for St.Vincent De Paul Society. I do this every Friday at one of their hubs. I feel like I've mentioned this before, but I'm fond of repeating myself ad nauseam, so meh.

In other news, my boys received excellent school reports for 2018. Mr 10's describing him as 'friendly and outgoing'. I wouldn't be at all certain he's my child except I know I gave birth to him. Meanwhile, Mr 14 is 'quiet and introverted'. We all know what that means. He's totally awesome like his mum.

Mr 17 is now on the home stretch and officially in his HSC year. Hold me. It's all happening.

Sadly there are no trips or travel plans for the Connor clan these holidays, but fingers, toes, arms, legs, eyeballs crossed we'll get there some time this year.

My birthday is coming up next week, so we headed out yesterday for an early celebration of sorts in the form of a pub lunch. Because we're classy like that. This will not deter me from partaking in further cake opportunities when the actual day rolls around. This is me we're talking about, after all. I'm no amateur.

That's about all my rambling for now. Tune in next time when I share my 'one word' for 2019. Yep, I'm jumping on that bandwagon. And no, it's NOT 'cake'. Sniff.

Over and out.

What's been happening in your world?


  1. I'm with you on the whole NYE palaver. I really can't be bothered. Happy Birthday for next week and looking forward to finding out about your word....

  2. Wishing you a year of wonder and adventure, Ness.

    SSG xxx

  3. Hope your birthday is a fun day and congrats on the Tafe course Como,etion, it’s no mean feat at all!! Good luck on the job hunting side of things too. Visiting from #lifethisweek and #openslather

  4. I love the idea of testing out the waters in January and starting fresh in February. After a busy Christmas we all really do need a break LOL

    Wishing you all the very best for 2019.

    Farmers Wifey

  5. I am smiling at you ...from the pride I can read in your voice. This has been a year with so much change for you and by gosh, look at you go. I loved reading this. Thanks Ness, for sharing. I wish you so much success in 2019.

    Thank you for linking up to the first week of 51 for #lifethisweek in 2019. Next week, the optional prompt is “Word, Intention,Nothing” …I have all three (joke!) and will blog over the weekend about why. Denyse

  6. I was asleep by 11 on NYE - a bit later than the year before when it was 930! :D Happy New Year Ness! Good luck with the job hunting and the studying this year. Looking forward to your WOTY
