Welcome to another fabulous Friday! I'm joining in again for Friday Reflections with a 20 minute free-write. In other words, the usual meandering musings you expect from me! Done. Here goes:
Timer starts NOW:
Friday seems like a good day to free write. Isn't it interesting how Fridays are always thought of a fun day. The end of the working week. FriYAY!
This means nothing when you're a parent. NOTHING, I tell you.
The only Friday I remember clearly is the day I was diagnosed with breast cancer. That certainly wasn't a fun day.
I am sitting here in blissful silence. The boys are at school and Mickey Blue Eyes has gone to visit his father. My timer is on to write for 20 minutes. Suddenly I feel under pressure to write something brilliant and witty.
It's the same feeling as being in a job interview. They say: So tell me about yourself. Me; forgets every single thing about myself and my life EVER.
Ditto in social situations when people ask; what have you been up to?
What is it about being put on the spot that makes my mind go blank? When it's midnight and I should be asleep I seem to have no trouble at all thinking ALL THE THINGS.
Anyway, even if nothing illuminating comes out of this experiment it's good to be back joining in again with Friday Reflections. One of the other prompts was to write about your favourite book about writing. I have read quite a few of them, but I don't have a favourite.
What else has been happening in my world. I've been reading a lot. You know, just for something different. Tomorrow is February 4th. It usually does come after February 3rd. Funny about that. This means that it will be 34 years since Karen Carpenter passed away.
It strikes me that when there were so many celebrity deaths during 2016 there was a tremendous outpouring of grief around the world. Somehow I feel like KC never was truly acknowledged the way she should have been.
I remember hearing the news when I was only just 12. It was the first time I'd heard of anorexia and I didn't really understand what it was. Bafflement was my main emotion. Tears came later.
Sorry, I guess I have a one track mind and left without a prompt I'll go back to my favourite topic - Karen Carpenter!
At least I haven't mentioned cake! DOH.
Anyway, I'm sure the twenty minutes will be finished soon and you will be spared any more of my waffling. On the other hand, waffles are delicious...
I've been doing 'morning pages' most days, except I don't always do them in the morning because cutting edge and all, and I had the thought: Isn't it interesting how when fictional characters write journals or diaries in novels they're always filled with complex emotions, details and explosive secrets and I'm just over here like "I folded some washing today and went to the shops..." I need to make up a sordid past or something. I'll have to think about that.
Moreover, these (fictional) people seem to have the narrative ability of a gifted, accomplished author.
Apparently I still have six minutes to go. Poor you. What else can I tell you?
I will mention some of those books I've read about writing and you'll be amazed that I can still manage such drivel:
Bird By Bird by Anne Lamott
Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert
Writing Down The Bones by Natalie Goldberg
The Right To Write by Julia Cameron
The Writing Book by Kate Grenville
Stephen King: On Writing by Stephen King (Captain Obvious)
As I said before I don't have a favourite one. I've come to realise that there is no book, course, app, guide, affirmation, magical thinking that can make you a writer. You either sit down and do it or you don't. And even then you may write and write, and only write something mediocre now and again. Or is that just me? Ahem.
I had a thought and lost it. It was something good, methinks. What was it again?
Oh yes! I don't think reading books about writing make you a good writer, I think reading lots of different books is much more helpful. Just read, read, read, read, read, read. And when you're not reading, write.
Advice from someone who is totally not qualified to give it! Oh well, it is the Internet. Everyone has advice and is an expert on something with no qualifications... Why not me too?
Fortunately my timer beeped. So endeth my waffle.
I hope you had coffee with that.
And there you have it. A 20 minute free-write on this fine Friday.
I had better stick to my day job. Whatever that is...
Do you do any 'free-writing' or 'morning pages'?
Do you have a favourite book about writing?
Timer starts NOW:
Friday seems like a good day to free write. Isn't it interesting how Fridays are always thought of a fun day. The end of the working week. FriYAY!
This means nothing when you're a parent. NOTHING, I tell you.
The only Friday I remember clearly is the day I was diagnosed with breast cancer. That certainly wasn't a fun day.
I am sitting here in blissful silence. The boys are at school and Mickey Blue Eyes has gone to visit his father. My timer is on to write for 20 minutes. Suddenly I feel under pressure to write something brilliant and witty.
It's the same feeling as being in a job interview. They say: So tell me about yourself. Me; forgets every single thing about myself and my life EVER.
Ditto in social situations when people ask; what have you been up to?
What is it about being put on the spot that makes my mind go blank? When it's midnight and I should be asleep I seem to have no trouble at all thinking ALL THE THINGS.
Anyway, even if nothing illuminating comes out of this experiment it's good to be back joining in again with Friday Reflections. One of the other prompts was to write about your favourite book about writing. I have read quite a few of them, but I don't have a favourite.
What else has been happening in my world. I've been reading a lot. You know, just for something different. Tomorrow is February 4th. It usually does come after February 3rd. Funny about that. This means that it will be 34 years since Karen Carpenter passed away.
It strikes me that when there were so many celebrity deaths during 2016 there was a tremendous outpouring of grief around the world. Somehow I feel like KC never was truly acknowledged the way she should have been.
I remember hearing the news when I was only just 12. It was the first time I'd heard of anorexia and I didn't really understand what it was. Bafflement was my main emotion. Tears came later.
Sorry, I guess I have a one track mind and left without a prompt I'll go back to my favourite topic - Karen Carpenter!
At least I haven't mentioned cake! DOH.
Anyway, I'm sure the twenty minutes will be finished soon and you will be spared any more of my waffling. On the other hand, waffles are delicious...
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Waffles are delicious! *drools* |
I've been doing 'morning pages' most days, except I don't always do them in the morning because cutting edge and all, and I had the thought: Isn't it interesting how when fictional characters write journals or diaries in novels they're always filled with complex emotions, details and explosive secrets and I'm just over here like "I folded some washing today and went to the shops..." I need to make up a sordid past or something. I'll have to think about that.
Moreover, these (fictional) people seem to have the narrative ability of a gifted, accomplished author.
Apparently I still have six minutes to go. Poor you. What else can I tell you?
I will mention some of those books I've read about writing and you'll be amazed that I can still manage such drivel:
Bird By Bird by Anne Lamott
Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert
Writing Down The Bones by Natalie Goldberg
The Right To Write by Julia Cameron
The Writing Book by Kate Grenville
Stephen King: On Writing by Stephen King (Captain Obvious)
As I said before I don't have a favourite one. I've come to realise that there is no book, course, app, guide, affirmation, magical thinking that can make you a writer. You either sit down and do it or you don't. And even then you may write and write, and only write something mediocre now and again. Or is that just me? Ahem.
I had a thought and lost it. It was something good, methinks. What was it again?
Oh yes! I don't think reading books about writing make you a good writer, I think reading lots of different books is much more helpful. Just read, read, read, read, read, read. And when you're not reading, write.
Advice from someone who is totally not qualified to give it! Oh well, it is the Internet. Everyone has advice and is an expert on something with no qualifications... Why not me too?
Fortunately my timer beeped. So endeth my waffle.
I hope you had coffee with that.
And there you have it. A 20 minute free-write on this fine Friday.
I had better stick to my day job. Whatever that is...
Do you do any 'free-writing' or 'morning pages'?
Do you have a favourite book about writing?