Showing posts with label Murder Uncovered. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Murder Uncovered. Show all posts

Monday 6 March 2017

Must Watch TV

Howdy folks! I am back to talk about must watch TV. 

This time last year my must watch TV was the entire five seasons of Downton Abbey.  You can't really do much when you are being poisoned having chemo, so that was it for me.  

The thing is, I must be the only tragic person in the entire universe who doesn't have Netflix or Stan or Presto, or any of these new-fangled things. So my television viewing is limited to free to air. GASP. Imagine being so broke retro! 

Of late, I have found myself drawn to watching all those true crime documentary type programmes. Murder Uncovered and the like. I totally hate myself and feel icky afterwards.  But it's a bit like passing a car accident, you feel compelled to look yet horrified and ashamed of yourself...

Okay, I've never actually done that. Slowed down to gawk at an accident.... but I can't seem to help myself with these true crime shows. It's a sickness. 

Conversely, I also find myself watching reruns of As Time Goes By starring Dame Judi Dench.  This show sort of slipped by me the first time around. Probably because I was in my 20s back in the 90s and imagined it to be a tedious show about a bunch of crusty old octogenarians. Fast forward a couple of decades and I'm a nanna before my time. I'm loving it. 

Although I always did love The Golden Girls right from the beginning, so I was a nanna even then. Unnecessary details, as I like to say. 

I can't stand all these reality shows. I'd rather watch anything than I'm A Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here or My Kitchen Rules. Just the ads for these shows make me want to break out in hives. 

Actually, I lie. I have watched snippets of Married At First Sight because Mickey Blue Eyes watches it from time to time. Shhhhhhh, don't tell him I told you.

The five minutes I saw of it the other night seemed to involve people talking about each other behind each other's backs and someone insisting that a dude should 'come out of his shell'.  Cue eye rolls from me. I HATE that expression. I can't imagine why anyone would go on these shows. 

I do need to find me some good comedy shows to watch. Any suggestions? 

Also, some period drama to replace Downton.  I need this in my life. Binge watching is actually fabulous, but the only time I've done it was when I was sick and supine from chemo. What am I like?

Meanwhile, I need to move my body not indulge in more couch potato shenanigans. Perhaps I need to move my dusty old treadmill to a prime position in front of the TV?  Or get a stationary bike. Those things always hurt my ample arse. But then, I haven't used one since approximately 1984 or something, when my parents had one. My bum was small then, so the seat must have been REALLY small. 

But enough about bums. Back to TV. 

My favourite shows as a kid were I Dream Of Jeannie and Bewitched, which probably explains a lot.

I don't actually even know who a lot of actors/celebrities are these days. I'm so out of the loop with it all. Uninformed. Oblivious. Deprived. It's quite tragic, really.  Cue all the violin music. 

Maybe I should start a Get Ness Netflix fund. It's a worthwhile charity, I think.  Never mind those starving children. My binge watching is MUCH more important. 

What else can I say about must watch TV?

Oh, yes! Remember the old mini-series of the 1980s? Think The Thorn Birds or Lace.  They were always so melodramatic and you had to wait until the next evening to see the finale. 

My favourite was Anne Of Green Gables from circa 1985, starring Megan Follows and Colleen Dewhurst.  Those were the days! 

Kids today will never know the excruciating anticipation of waiting A WHOLE TWENTY FOUR HOURS for the gripping finale of a drama. They're totally spoiled with all this immediate gratification. 

Anyway, apparently I've already blathered on about my guilty TV pleasures before. It has already been confirmed that I'm an airhead who doesn't watch anything meaningful. Oh, well. Never mind.

I still have the entire five seasons of Downton. Who needs anything else? I need to watch it again to see if it's just as good when you're not poisoned. Oooohhh, I can already hear the dramatic them music! 

I love it!

Catch you later. I have some binge re-watching to do! 

What is your must watch TV?