Showing posts with label Character traits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Character traits. Show all posts

Friday 10 March 2017

Strengths Of A Woman

Have you ever taken the VIA  Character Strength survey? It's a lovely little exercise in self-absorption self-awareness. You do a fifteen minute quiz and then you receive your list of personality traits. Here's mine and why they could be considered strengths. Or not...

1. Forgiveness.

I am a forgiving creature. If you say you don't even like the Carpenters, I'll forgive you.  After all, it's not your fault. We can't all have exquisite taste. Besides, I think holding grudges is a waste of energy. Forgiveness helps me in life, because I avoid wasting energy thinking over things. Especially because I do tend to be an over thinker! 

2. Humility.

Humility is a strength because I'm not vain or full of myself. Sometimes, however, it feels like I can take this a bit too far. For example, I am terrible at self-promotion. That would explain why this blog has lain languishing in the far corners of the internet for approximately five years... Look, I'm sure there's a strength there somewhere. I'll let you know, when I figure out what it is...

3. Honesty.

This speaks for itself. Honesty is a strength because I have strong sense of what is right or wrong and I live my life in line with those values. Consequently, I have never been arrested. I tend to view this as a positive thing in life . I'm funny like that. Well, there was that one time when I accidentally forgot to pay for an avocado in Coles and I didn't go back... But this was back when smashed avo wasn't such a thing and they weren't really expensive... And I swear I'm a good person! HONEST. 

4. Prudence.

Apparently I'm a prim and proper Pollyanna type. I'm surprised by this because I thought of myself as a rebel and risk taker. Cutting edge and all. I mean, sometimes I even have TWO cups of coffee in a day! That's daring. Isn't it? On the plus side, at least I don't do or say things I regret later. Unless they involve cake... 

5. Love.

Well yes, I do love cake. Cake Love is everything. Valuing and loving my family is a strength, because basically I've got nothing else to offer them. Not a thing. I'm like a puppy.Cute to have around, eats a lot, but is utterly useless. But even if I suck at everything on a practical level, my boys know that I love them. That's the most important thing. I think. I hope. Of course it is! HMPH. 

6. Fairness.

It probably doesn't feel very fair at the moment that I am making you read this. But I do try to be entertaining. And fair. Always. I like to play fair. It's just the way I am and I'm proud of it because I treat everyone the same and am not judgey at all, even I'm supposed to be prim (see no 4. Prudence. What's that about...?)

7. Judgement.

I am not judging you. If you're sitting there in your PJ'S at midday, eating your body weight in cheese/chocolate/chips... Who am I to judge? Ahem.  

8.  Love Of Learning.

I'm learning about myself and life all the time. Just when I think I have a few things figured out, something perplexes me again and I'm back where I started. But I never give up.  That, in itself, has to be a strength. Doesn't it?

9. Kindness.

How could anybody think this is not a strength? I certainly sleep better at night because of this trait. I'll call that a win. 

10.  Humour.

Humour is essential and a strength because it allows me to see the lighter side of the most ridiculous and challenging things. And let's face it who wouldn't laugh at my Kath n' Kim 'fro'. It's noice. Unyewwwsual.

11. Gratitude.

I am grateful for all the small blessings in my life. Not just cake! 

12. Appreciation Of Beauty & Excellence

Being able to appreciate books and music has definitely been a strength and comfort in my life! 

13. Leadership.

Not surprisingly, this trait comes in at 13. I am a quiet soul.  These days us introverted souls can still lead in our own quiet ways. Don't laugh. If I choose not to, that's my prerogative. Shut up. 

14. Hope.

I was hoping I could think of something to say about this. Nope. Nothing. But I never give up hope. See? 

15. Perseverance.

This one is a little dispiriting. To see it so low down the list. In part I believe it's because I'm easily distracted. This prevents me from getting tasks done. However, I'm improving. Sort of. In increments. Okay, it's a two steps forward, three steps back kind of thing, but I never give up. See? I have perseverance! 

16. Perspective.

I change my perspective and get confused about what I believe easily.  I don't really know what to say about this. At least I am flexible about changing and understanding new information. Yep, definitely a strength. 

17. Teamwork.

I would like to say I'm a team player,but actually I hate people. So, no. Just no. 

Okay, hate is a strong word. I just don't understand them. Especially myself.   But I think we've established the fact that I'm actually some sort of creature from the planet Zorg. 

18. Creativity. 

To be honest, I've only just truly understood what creativity really IS in the last few months. To my chagrin, I am not as creative as I'd like to be, but again, I am changing. One of these days, I'll be a creative genius. See my hope and perseverance? 

19. Zest.

Yes, well. What can I say about this? I do feel full of zest quite often. Unfortunately it's the zest of a sloth creature on Valium. No surprises, that this trait features so low on my list. Having admitted to this, many ASD folk speak of something called Autistic 'inertia'.
I am going with that. Explains a lot. 

20. Curiosity.

I am a bit odd here. I don't seem to have much interest or curiosity about things the way others do. Again, I think it's something to do with ASD. We're supposed to have rigid and narrow interests. If I really think about it, there are things that interest me, they're just different than others. It's all good. 

21. Spirituality.

Apparently this relates to having coherent believes about the higher purpose and meaning of the universe. Yeah, got nothing. If anyone has any answers I'm all ears. 

22. Bravery.

Apparently I'm a spineless, scaredy-cat wuss. If anyone needs me I'll be shaking and cowering in the corner. 

23. Social intelligence.

Yeah, I think we've covered the fact that I really don't get people. That is all. 

24. Self-Regulation. 

Well, this is not exactly a shock. Self-regulation comes in at the very end for me. Considering my passion for all things cake like, it's sadly true. It's an area with which I struggle. Sigh.

I must admit, this exercise is a bit dispiriting and I do wish I could shuffle some of these traits around.  However, I guess a forgiving, humble, kind, non-judging, fair-minded Pollyanna with a love of learning and a sense of humour isn't so bad. After all, it's all a matter of perspective! 

Joining in for Friday Reflections with the prompt:

What character traits do you consider to be strengths?