Monday 4 March 2019

Taking Stock: March 2019 Edition

Hello again, groovers and shakers! Yep, I'm still alive and kicking. Well, alive anyway. I don't really kick anything. That's far too energetic for me. Alive and sitting, shall we say? Sounds good to me. I do miss my little ramblings here, so I figured why not check in with another stock take? And I did. Here it is:

Making: I don't really make things, unless you count the three humans I made. And I'm well and truly done with all that. Oh yeah, I DO occasionally make those humans dinner. So that's something. Though I've also discovered that if you wait long enough everyone will just eat cereal instead. Scientific fact, apparently. Genius.

Drinking: Not enough. Related: I would love a drink right now. I'm talking booze, not tea. Side note: as I type this it's Saturday afternoon, in case you are reading this on Monday morning concerned that I have a problem.

Reading: I just finished reading a novel called Elizabeth Is Missing by Emma Healey. I enjoyed it. I still have a huge TBR pile. In fact, if you ever hear any news reports of a woman being buried alive by all her waiting to be read books, there's a good chance it's me. But what a way to go.

Wanting: The previously mentioned alcoholic beverage. I deserve it. Sniff.

Looking: For ideas for assessments (I'm studying for a Diploma of Library & Information Services for those who don't know).

Deciding: See: Looking. On assessment stuff. One of the units/subjects is Maintaining Digital Repositories (every time I say or type that last word I have to remember not to say suppositories - that would be quite a different subject! ). For this subject we need to digitise some photos. Of course, I am the one weirdo who never takes any photos. So yeah, I had better get on it.

Incidentally, how DO people take photos with their phones. I can never see anything outdoors because of the glare. Just me?

For another unit/subject, Training In A Library Environment, we have to give a presentation on a topic of our choice. Decisions, decisions...

Wishing: That cancer was just a zodiac sign. Yeah I've said it before, but seriously. F@$k that cancer shit. Side note: I'm FINE. Still cancer-free! Just in general. Cancer SUCKS.

Enjoying: I'm quite enjoying the diploma thingy. It's challenging, but in a good way. Good stress and all that, as my psychologist says. 

Waiting: For the kettle to boil. Then I wander off to do something else and forget the tea or whatever and start again... And again...

Liking: The weather is quite splendid in my neck of the woods right now. As soon as I say that, the fires of satan will spring forth to incinerate us all again. I'm scared now. NOOOOOOO!

Wondering: What to have for dinner. If I keep wondering it'll be cereal. See above.

Loving:  Being able to sleep when the weather is cooler.

Wishing: Wait, do I get another wish?!

Listening: To SILENCE. It's SUBLIME.  Related: I'm home alone. This does not happen very often. Ahhhhh, the SERENITY. 

Considering: What sentence to type for "Considering." Yeah, I really didn't consider that enough.

Buying: Groceries, and stationery that is needed for Tafe. Cause it's totally all for Tafe. Yep. Absolutely. Ahem. 

Watching: I've been watching The Heights on Iview. Nice little distraction. I like it. Recently I also re-watched the 1995 BBC production of Pride & Prejudice starring Colin Firth. I hadn't watched it in decades and had forgotten how good it was. SO good. 

Marveling: That I'm actually doing this library diploma thingy. True, it's nothing monumental, but it's HUGE for me.

Hoping: I pass my assessments.

Needing: A neck and shoulder massage and a million dollars should suffice.

Questioning: If I'm doing the right thing studying again at my age with no guarantees that it will lead to employment...blah blah blah...

But screw it, I'm doing it anyway!

Smelling: Coconut shower gel.

Wearing: Lots of pants with elastic waists. Not good.

Noticing: I am slowly changing some habits. Not likely to ditch the elastic waisted pants just yet, but you never know...

Knowing: I don't need to know all the answers. Everyone is making it up as they go.

Thinking: About thinking styles and cognitive distortions.

Admiring: Everyone who keeps trying despite their struggles. 

Getting: Older. Which is a good thing.

Opening: Folders and handouts and databases related to studying.

Closing: Facebook. Mainly cause I can't connect to Wi Fi when I'm at Tafe. Details.

Feeling: My moods change often (thank you, menopause), but just now I feel quite contented.

Noticing: That I already covered Noticing. See above.

Embracing:  Study and (GASP) ROUTINES! I know, I don't believe it either!

But, I get up early(ish) and exercise and meditate. I've only missed a couple of days in the last month or two. When I say exercise, it might only be for ten minutes, depending on how much time I have. But anything is better than nothing, right? That's my theory anyway. It's a start. 

So there you have it. Stock take completed!

Stay tuned for another stock take, coming soon to a blog near you! 

Look, I just really don't know how to end things...


The End.

Too abrupt? Oh well. 

Until next time, people. Stay groovy. 

Over and out.


  1. I love coconut shower gel (or body lotion or shampoo.) It's like a holiday smell. Pick me up at the start of the day. You stay groovy too (and you will pass everything!)

  2. Hi there Ness! I'm so with you on the wishing cancer away, my sister is undergoing treatment as we speak and it was my wish in my taking stock post too - snap! So glad to hear you're currently fine. These posts are a fun way of getting to know what's going on aren't they? #lifethisweek

  3. Everything crossed for your assessments, yes to more drinks and it's true - we don't have to know everything. And yes, cancer sucks in general.

    SSG xxx

  4. You are on my mind a lot these days as I realise you are getting stuck into your course and I am one very proud internet friend. I sense a shift in how you are thinking and feeling about yourself too. Go Ness!
    The cancer thing. It is an ever-present just sitting there at the edge thing isn't it? I know the feeling and send you my good wishes for your check ups.
    As for your are a good writer and reader and have been blessed with a clever brain. Look forward to hearing of your success!!

    Thanks for linking up for #lifethisweek. Next week's optional prompt is 10/51 Share Your Snaps #2. 11/3/19. Denyse
