Good afternoon, groovers and shakers. I hope you are well and enjoying post lockdown freedoms! I am battling on with my somewhat broken brain. See previous post.
As most of you probably already know I had an appointment with a vestibular physical therapist a few weeks ago. I finally got a diagnonsense for this dizzy shite:
I have something called PPPD (Persistent Postural Perceptual Dizziness).
Additionally I also have permanent and chronic PPPS (Persistent Phenomenonal Person Syndrome).
Ok, I made the last one up. You got me. But the first one is a thing, and believe me if you didn't try to find a way to laugh in the midst of it you would not only cry but wail like a banshee. Even though I'm not entirely clear exactly what a banshee is? Apparently they wail though. Don't they?
I should probably fact check that or choose a different simile. Either thing requires too much effort for my addled brain.
Back to the diagnosis. The good thing is, it's nothing sinister going on. The bad thing is, it's a long process to get better. Sigh.
So I'm in for the long haul with vestibular rehabilitation therapy. Also, hi ho hi ho back to the shrink I go! Cognitive behavioural therapy is needed to address the emotional side of it. It's a complex condition that does include an anxiety component. Fun times. Said no one ever.
At least lockdown is over! YAY!!!! It got to the point where I totally forgot about a zoom catch up because I really don't register what day it is anymore. Oops.
Not that I am really up to doing much at this point. But I'll get there. I wish I knew where 'there' is.
I had another appointment with the vestibular physiotherapist and I have the following exercises to do:
1. Walk up and down in a straight line and swing my arms turn around and walk back again. 5 repeats 3 times a day.
2. Stand in the naughty corner, feet together and eyes closed for 30 seconds. 3 times a day.
3. Take a pen or another object and hold it at arms length. Gaze at it and turn your head left and right like a pendulum keeping your gaze on the pen. Count 30 seconds. 3 times a day.
I feel like I've been on the booze without the fun of the actual booze! Not fair.
I have also started taking Zoloft again because it is recommended to address the psychological effects of the the condition. I have a psychologist appointment tomorrow and ongoing vestibular rehabilitation therapy.
On Sunday I did this:
Exposure therapy is a thing. A hard thing that I need to do. I'm doing it. Slowly. That's all I can do.
The boys got their second jab so we are all fully vaxxed. Huzzah! Happy about that.
Mr 17 and 12 went back to school this week. The latter had the jitters but hopefully he'll be ok.
Chandler is his usual cute little self. We all left the house to visit my folks the other day and it must have been a shock to him. He's used to someone always being home!
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It's a hard life |
Nothing much else to report. Back to battling on like the badass I am!
Until next time,